The length of time your license is suspended depends on the type of offense.

You can check your driver license status by ordering your Florida driving record. Suspension periods for some of the more common offenses are listed below. Your license can be suspended for a number of offenses, ranging from failure to pay a ticket to delinquency on child support payments. The length of your license suspension varies depending on the violation and will be printed on the notification letter. The Florida DMV will mail you a suspension notification by personal delivery before your suspension begins. Your suspension will begin when they receive your license and it will be reinstated once the suspension period is over. Any delays in surrendering your license will result in an extended period of suspension. If you've had your Florida driver's license suspended, you will need to surrender your license to the Florida DMV. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) will suspend your license for a certain amount of time, based on the severity of your violation. Causing an accident that results in serious bodily injury or death.Failure to meet minimum vision standards.Accruing too many traffic violation points.In Florida, your driver's license can be suspended or revoked for a number of reasons, including: